Echoes Of Wonder

So our Kickstarter campaign is well underway – thank you so much if you have already given to help make our new album a reality! How are we doing? Well, with 10 days to go, we need just under 10,000 Swedish kronor to be fully funded – that is roughly $1,100 or £720.

That’s right – we’re 65% of the way there! Here are a few ways we’d love for you to be a part of our new album, ‘Echoes Of Wonder’, which with your support, we plan to release at the end of October…

  • Back the project on Kickstarter: how about a bamboo USB stick, an awesome tote bag, or a signed CD (amongst many exciting rewards)?
  • Share our music or Kickstarter campaign with your friends
  • Join with us on Facebook or Instagram as we continue on this musical journey together.

Doing this one-off fundraising campaign has been such an encouragement to us. Many generous and unexpected people have given to our music making, and we are SO grateful for all this support.

So thank you again.

With every blessing,

Anita x

Written by Anita on 20th August 2015 in Faith, Life, Music, Sweden


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