…Looking forward: 2016 – The Year That Is…

In my last post, I looked back on the year that was.

And now here we are. In 2016. My 29th year on this earth is underway and life continues to run before me at a rate of knots. Time seems to be speeding up and there is nothing any of us can do about it. Except to embrace it. Enjoy it. And use it purposefully.

So instead of a resolution as such, I pledge to myself that 2016 is the year I will put myself out there. Beyond my comfort zone.

Let me explain..

Everybody has dreams. You have goals. Things you want to achieve. For me, much of that lies within the music I write together with my husband. And I have to say that as Ben and I sat down to review our year, we were able to see the small steps and sometimes even leaps that we have taken. The progress and, for lack of a better word, success we have seen through our music.

But it feels that much of it was indeed small steps – which is fine. But now it is time to turn those small steps into giant leaps.

But then there’s the fear…

…of rejection mostly. And failure. 

For all the work you put in – no-one is interested. All those emails you sent and no-one replied. It happens. Until eventually, someone does reply. Someone who gets you. Who cares about you. Your work. Your art.

And you are encouraged to keep going.

And when I have my down moments – and they will come (usually when I feel the rejection and failure – however small), I will remind myself of these three statements… They will be my mantra (coming from the yogi in me) for 2016:

  • Surround yourself with those who believe in you. Your own community. Allow them to build you up.
  • “Keep your eyes on the prize” as they say. Aim for that goal – you got this!
  • Pray. And the right doors will open.

So no, I don’t have a resolution as such, but I do intend to push myself beyond my comfort zone in my music, my blogging and all my endeavours to see what 2016 really does have in store for me, if I give it a chance.  I will knock on those doors and trust that God will unlock the right ones.

2016 is the year! Here goes…

Written by Anita on 8th January 2016 in Faith, Life, Music, Sweden, Work


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