What I learned from Disney: Inside Out.

I’m going to go out on a limb and say that I don’t really like February.  January? January I like: A month filled with good intentions, positive thoughts and a curious excitement as you look unknowingly towards the potential that the new year holds.

It is a month full of feelings that I want to capture and keep. I want to wake up everyday and be excited at the possibilities of what that new days holds.

If you’ve seen the Disney Pixar Movie ‘Inside Out’, basically, I want to be the character Joy. Everyday. (But I will admit that I am definitely much closer to her co-stars Disgust, Anger, Fear and sometimes even Sadness than I am to Joy.) And, if you haven’t seen this movie – you must. It’s like therapy…in a Disney movie! Great stuff.

So in light of this revelation (and in my effort to be more like Joy), I have made 3 simple adjustments to my life in an attempt to simplify, create positivity and keep me looking & moving forward:

1. Exercise in the morning

No excuses. Whether I feel like it or not. In fact, when I don’t feel like it, that is when I need it the most. So I do. (Yoga mostly… And maybe I’ll squeeze in a weekly run… But either way, I make sure I do it.)

2. Set reasonable goals for each day

This is especially important on the days when I work from home. I start by writing a to-do list for the day, stick it on my fridge and cross off each task as I work my way through it. Inevitably, the tasks do vary in size – some big and some small – and as I was recently inspired to acknowledge even the simple things, I make sure I do acknowledge and celebrate the completion of them all.

3. Turn off push notifications (and avoid checking my email). 

Working to the point of burnout is just no fun at all. So now, when I am not working, I don’t. This is easier said than done, especially when you care about what you do (that would be most of us, I hope). But now I intentionally put work aside and enjoy my downtime. Guilt-free.

So there you have it. Just 3 small changes… but gradually and remarkably I have begun to feel more like Joy

Inside and Out.

Written by Anita on 11th February 2016 in Life, Work


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